A starship flies toward a gate. The reds, pinks, and purples of a nebula appear in the background

S1E21 Fire Emblem Completions, RPGs, GenCon, RPG Ideas, Season 1 Retrospective

Welcome to the Lair of Secrets podcast! The podcast about gaming and being a geek by two forty-something geek dads. Ken Newquist is a video game-completing machine who’s probably staying up too late (again). Meanwhile, David Moore is no longer a forty-something geek dad. Summer’s End Ken went to Philmont … but we dedicated a

S1E21 Fire Emblem Completions, RPGs, GenCon, RPG Ideas, Season 1 Retrospective Read More »

Animated characters are illuminated by a purple-pink light source as they look off into the distance

S1E11 Attack Surface, Penric’s Demon, Star Trek, Dinner Subscriptions, Cryptid Campaign Brainstorming

Welcome to the Lair of Secrets podcast, where David’s been tinkering in the dirigible hanger trying to get the old girl flying again, and Ken’s just beamed back from halfway across the galaxy. He’s fine. Mostly. Library 67: Attack Surface by Cory Doctorow David’s in the middle of this book. Having a hard time connecting with

S1E11 Attack Surface, Penric’s Demon, Star Trek, Dinner Subscriptions, Cryptid Campaign Brainstorming Read More »

A humanoid figure rides a dinosaur-like creature

S1E14 Unmoored in Time, WandaVision, Forbidden Lands, Zinequest 3

WE COME FROM THE FUTURE … the future of the Lair of Secrets podcast, that is! David and Ken talk about their latest geeky undertakings, including a return to Atomic Robo, WandaVision, X of Swords, the Forbidden Lands RPG, and even more speculative fiction novels before turning to the main topic: Kickstarter’s Zinequest 3. Ken

S1E14 Unmoored in Time, WandaVision, Forbidden Lands, Zinequest 3 Read More »