A view of the GenCon game floor in Lucas Oil Stadium and the text Gen Con Tips for Newcomers

Gen Con Tips for Newcomers – Campaigns and Coffee

In this episode of “Campaigns and Coffee,” hosts David, Josh, and Erin dive into convention season, offering tips and sharing personal experiences. The trio discusses their preparation rituals, with Erin highlighting her dedication to the Sparks campaign—a Star Wars role-playing game using the West End Games D6 system. Josh shares his strategy for attending Gen Con with his young child, emphasizing the importance of keeping kids entertained. They also touch on essential convention tips like the 3-2-1 rule (three hours of sleep, two meals, and one shower daily), and reminisce about their convention highlights, including wandering into off-limits areas of Lucas Oil Stadium.

Want more GenCon? Check out our coverage of GenCon 2023.


0:00 Introduction to Convention Season
2:10 Erin’s Sparks Campaign Prep
4:30 Josh’s Gen Con Tips
5:31 Managing Conventions with Kids
6:50 The Essential 3-2-1 Rule
8:20 Backpack Packing Tips
12:21 Josh’s Dice Addiction and Rituals
14:44 Navigating Lucas Oil Stadium
18:06 Final Convention Tips
18:36 Essential Minion Inventory


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