Star Wars

A close up view of bicycle gears.

S3E14 Changing Gears

On this episode, we talking about changing gears – changing game systems, changing genres, changing roles, changing groups – as part of our May 2023 RPG Blog Carnival hosting duties. Before venturing into those tiny, switching passages, all different, we talk about Ken’s return to backpacking, discuss new streaming series (Lockwood and Co., Picard, and

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Porto city hall and plaza by night.

S3E4 Travel and RPGs, Game Room Reclamation, Steamdeck Redux, Andor, Cyberpunk RED Critical Mass

The subject of travel and how visiting other parts of the country and the world can improve your game is the main topic for Episode 4 of the Lair of Secrets podcast. Before we delve into that globe-trotting topic, we geek out about AirPods, resurrecting the game room after the pandemic, variant endings for Cyberpunk

S3E4 Travel and RPGs, Game Room Reclamation, Steamdeck Redux, Andor, Cyberpunk RED Critical Mass Read More »

A picture of two role-playing games - Scum and Villainy, which lies atop the Twilight 2000 boxed set.

S2E2 Scum and Villainy Campaign Planning, Reading Time, Animal Crossing Redux, Twilight 2000 Boxed Set – audio fix

Welcome to The Lair of Secrets podcast, the podcast about gaming and being a geek by two middle-aged geek dads. Yeah, we said middle-aged … because “forty-something” wasn’t quite accurate anymore. This episode finds Ken Newquist caught in a maze of endless meetings, all alike, while David Moore finds that his week went somewhere …

S2E2 Scum and Villainy Campaign Planning, Reading Time, Animal Crossing Redux, Twilight 2000 Boxed Set – audio fix Read More »

S1E9 Memory Malfunctions, NaNoWriMo, Wondrous Zines, Middle School Hauntings, Comic Book Quandaries, Ready for Launch?

On this episode, David and Ken battle against ghosts, memories, and missing time in an effort to get out another podcast … and launch our first episode! (yes, time remains a bit wibbly wobbly in the Lair). Pens keep on turning, turning, turning… into the future! David turns his first pen. He needed to make

S1E9 Memory Malfunctions, NaNoWriMo, Wondrous Zines, Middle School Hauntings, Comic Book Quandaries, Ready for Launch? Read More »