A Cyberpunk RED scene depicting a male and female edgerunner with a neon city in the background

Cyberpunk RED Role-Playing Game Resources

Cyberpunk RED – the fourth edition of R. Talsorian Games’ signature role-playing game – inherited a rich history and loyal following from its predecessors. As Lair of Secrets geared up for our campaign, we went looking for – and found – a ton of links dedicated to advice, preparation, cartography, and battle maps.

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Cartography Resources

Fan Supplements


  • Cyberpunk Companion – An excellent tool for playing or running cyberpunk. iOS and Android versions are likely the easiest way around to generate a character, and as a bonus, you can share them with your game master using short codes. The base app (approved by R. Talsarian Games) lets you create characters; pay the $5 and you can unlock netrunning architectures, the Night Market, Random Encounters, and Weather (yes, there can be weather other than dark and rainy). Fair warning – web version lacks behind the app version; the apps are the way to go.
  • Chartopia: Cyberpunk – More than a dozen generators for cyberpunk-themed games, including “Cyberpunk Random Encounter Generator”, “Cyberpunk Corporations”, and “Cyberpunk RED – Lifepath”
  • Roll20 Cyberpunk RED – The $40 add-on for Roll20 gets you the core rules, Roll20 RED character sheet, pre-gen opponents, 10 roles, three Screamsheet adventures, artwork, and a ton of tech for your game.
  • Perchance Cyberpunk Tools
    • NPC Generator – Full blown NPCs with game states, weapons, cyberware, gear, a special capability (e.g. incendiary ammo), and a tagline.
    • Mook Creator – Essential stats, basic weapons,, a special effect (e.g. paramedic skill) and a tagline.
    • Miniboss Generator – A beefed up version of the NPC.
    • Job Generator – Creates the mission, the payment, and the opposing NPCs.
  • Donjon: Netrunner Name Generator – Generates netrunner handles like Neon Ronin, Null Wizard, and Citizen Pirate.
  • Antony Johnston Mission Generator [PDF] – Get your dice and start rolling – this circa 1997 mission generator lets you create a mission by hand.
  • Lair of Secrets: Screamsheets – Our collection of screamsheet resources including an index of published screamsheets, tools for making your own screamsheets, and fan-created screamsheet examples.

Tabletop Map Resources


Featured Image Meta

Cover art from the Cyberpunk RED Game Master’s Screen. Credit: R. Talsorian Games

4 thoughts on “Cyberpunk RED Role-Playing Game Resources”

  1. Pingback: Cyberpunk RED Screamsheets - Lair Of Secrets

  2. Pingback: Cyberpunk RED Actual Play @ Lair of Secrets - Lair Of Secrets

  3. Pingback: Cyberpunk RED Frequently Asked Questions - Lair Of Secrets

  4. Pingback: Cyberpunk RED Chapter 6: Anticipating the Glow (S4E3) - Lair Of Secrets

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