S1E2 – Exercise, Tales from the Loop, Comic Books, and Gaming with Kids

In the second episode of the still-untitled podcast, we talk about David’s RPG mapper project, venture into the challenges of exercising daily, talk about our Tales from the Loop game, and delve into Ken’s obsession with the X-Men. We round out the podcast with a conversation about the joy – and challenges – of gaming with kids.

  • Campaign Mapper
    • Campaign Mapper, the boring name for a fun project. Maybe David will name it after the podcast. What was our podcast name again? ?
  • DnD Dads podcast
    • Geek dads talking Dungeons & Dragons and other topics.
    • Learn more and get the podcast at the DnD Dads website
  • Exercise daily
    • David’s exercising. This is a good thing.
  • How the Tales from the Loop game is going
  • Catching on Comic Books
    • Ken’s a big X-Men fan.
    • Despite this, he was perpetually 3-4 years behind on reading comic books. 
    • Spent the last two years getting caught up in time for the big Dawn of X storyline …
    • … only to find he had holes in his collection…
    • … and then COVID hit.
    • Upside to the delay? Dawn of X titles are showing up on Marvel Unlimited … and Ken is dangerously close to catching up.
  • Gaming with Kids
    • Ken picked up the Dungeons & Dragons Essentials Boxed Set
    • Ken has been gaming with his son and friends for the last few years, at home and on vacation.
    • Gaming with kids is challenging
      • They like it, but attention spans can be a challenge.
      • Thankfully, it’s getting better as they get older.
      • Not quite like it was when we were kids. Their touchpoints are more likely to be video games or movies.
      • Ken hasn’t figured out how to transition to my son (or one of the kids) being the DM.
  • Comments?
  • Featured Image
    • Cover art for the Dragon of Icespire Peak adventure. Credit: Wizards of the Coast

1 thought on “S1E2 – Exercise, Tales from the Loop, Comic Books, and Gaming with Kids”

  1. Pingback: S1E21 Fire Emblem Completions, RPGs, GenCon, RPG Ideas, Season 1 Retrospective – Lair Of Secrets

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