On this episode of the Lair of Secrets podcast … David Moore has had a strange few weeks and he’s not really sure who he is anymore. Meanwhile, Ken Newquist digs into a good, scary graphic novel, tries out some new backpacking gadgets, and investigates a small-town murder mystery.

- David Messed Up Bullet Journaling
- Rolled over into September without migrating from August
- Still haven’t quite caught up since he was also teaching last week which isn’t the normal day-to-day job.
- Colonoscopy
- The Trials of Online Gaming
- Brindlewood Bay and the trials of online gaming with my other group
- “I am the Law”
- David picked up the Judge Dredd 2000 AD Humble Bundle
- Covid Scare
- To Sail the Infinite Oceans…
- David discusses a five-year plan for buying a boat and sailing the world. And you thought backpacking was adventuresome!
- The Wilds of New Jersey
- Yes, New Jersey has wilderness.
- Ken spent lots of time in Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area.
- Ken went on a 10-mile canoe trip along the Delaware River.
- 5-mile hike on the AT and Rattlesnake Swamp Trail Coming up (but not really, since we recorded this last year: 2.5 days of camping and backpacking, totally 20 miles on the trail.
- Picked up a new gadget – a water purifier for the trail (filters out bacteria, not viruses; for that you need to treat the water)
- Hiker Microfilter by Katadyn
- Geek Needs Exercise … Badly
- Ken’s exercise routine is stalled. Need to get back to it (and sleep better)
- Ken’s Summer Reading List Additions (2020 edition)
- The big, scary books: Aliens 30th Anniversary: The Original Comics Series and Aliens: Nightmare Asylum and Earth War
- From the late 1980s and early 1990s
- Direct sequel to Aliens (before the disappointing Alien3)
- Features Hicks and Newt about ten years after Aliens.
- Once Alien3 was released, they were renamed (Newt became Billie while Hicks became Wilks) …
- .. which was dumb … and they restored their names for these editions
- Focuses on the intersections of humanity and the alien, from alien-worshipping cults to military officers obsessed with crafting the perfect army.
- Unsurprisingly, infection (how to contain the aliens … and how to deal with them when that fails) plays a major part in the series.
- The big, scary books: Aliens 30th Anniversary: The Original Comics Series and Aliens: Nightmare Asylum and Earth War
- Main Topic: How do you like to read?
- Print books
- No school like the old school
- Doesn’t run out of batteries
- Has that new book smell
- Hey, why can’t I increase the font size on this thing?
- Already have so … many … books
- Vs. E-Reader book
- Books don’t take up any physical space
- Go ahead. Make the font as big as you want
- Backlighting makes it easier to read on the trail or camping … or at 2 a.m. when you can’t sleep (but you should really just get up anyway)
- Doesn’t have that new book smell. Doesn’t feel like a book.
- Vs. Audiobooks
- Read at the pace of the book. No skipping ahead, no flipping backward, no skimming
- Maybe slower. And may take weeks to finish a book
- The Wise Man’s Fear by Patrick Rothfuss? 42 hrs and 55 mins.
- Digital, so they don’t take up space
- People may not consider this “reading”
- Print books
- We love feedback! Send it to us at podcast@lairofsecrets.com, connect with us on Twitter, or leave a comment below.
Featured Image
Cover art for the Aliens: Nightmare Asylum and Earth War. Credit: Dark Horse Comics.
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