Cyberpunk RED

Cyberpunk roller bladders taking part in a RocketBlade tournament race in Night City, part of our Cyberpunk RED campaign.

S3E30 Cyberpunk RED Chapter 5: Downtime and the Living is Easy

The edgerunners finished their latest big gig, securing black box tech for the Maker Enclave and surviving an encounter with a Zetatech “negotiation response team”. With the run complete, they’re looking for some much needed downtime. In Chapter 5 of our Cyberpunk RED actual play podcast, we try out the games downtime rules, which allow

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A red-and-white cat lays on a table, its eyes closed in this featured image for Cyberpunk RED.

S3E28 Cyberpunk RED Chapter 4: Aftershocks

Our Cyberpunk RED actual play campaign continues with Chapter 4: Aftershocks. In our last chapter, the edgerunners cracked open the Titan 1X prototype self-driving tractor trailer and secured the Zetatech blackbox that the Maker Enclave hired them to acquire. As they moved the black box to their vehicle, they caught site of a Zetatech-branded AeroCop

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Cyberpunk RED: Chapter 3 - An Offer. A high-tech vehicle drives through a desert.

S3E26 Cyberpunk RED Chapter 3: An Offer

Chapter 2 of our Cyberpunk RED actual play campaign ended with the edgerunners staring down the guns of a rapidly approaching Zetatech Aerocop. They had just seized the company’s black box tractor tech from an experimental, self-driving tractor trailer at the “Iron Oasis” scrapyard outside of Night City. In order to get away with the

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S3E23 Cyberpunk RED Chapter 2: Iron Oasis

Our Cyberpunk RED actual play campaign continues with Chapter 2: Iron Oasis! Technical issues with recording this podcast that caused the video to glitch and the audio to get messed up near the end. We’re releasing a summary of this episode so future episodes make sense. Previously … on Cyberpunk RED The edgerunners were hired

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