Examples of elemental battle maps, as well as the text Finding Dungeons & Dragons Battle Maps

Finding Dungeons & Dragons Battle Maps

If you’re playing Dungeons & Dragons online, and not doing theater of the mind, you’ll need a battle map. Finding battle maps is time-consuming, especially the day of the game. You can front load that effort by browsing for maps ahead of time and storing them in Pinterest.

In this video, Ken looks at finding (and saving) battle maps for his Elemental Apocalypse campaign for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, with a side quest to look at finding battle maps for his Cyberpunk RED Broken Loop campaign.

What is Pinterest?

  • Pinterest is focused on finding and organizing images.
  • Images are organized into boards.
  • Once a board is established, Pinterest will start feeding you ideas.
  • Boards are easily browseable and search able, making it easy to find the stuff you saved.

Battle Map Repositories

  • Using Pinterest to find battle maps means you can organize your maps by campaign, terrain, or some other criteria.
  • This makes finding maps when you need them easier.
  • Bonus: It can help you find ongoing resources to use in your campaign


Chapter List

0:00 Introduction to Battle Maps
1:15 The Struggles of Last-Minute Map Searches
2:50 Pinterest as a Solution
4:30 Elemental Apocalypse Campaign Maps
5:45 Using Pinterest for Cyberpunk Red
7:00 Creating Custom Maps with Elevation
8:15 Final Thoughts and Tips on Using Pinterest

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