Scum and Villainy

A Forged in the Dark game by Evil Hat and the subject of a six-episode actual play arc on Lair of Secrets. Also check out our Blades in the Dark posts.

A close up view of bicycle gears.

S3E14 Changing Gears

On this episode, we talking about changing gears – changing game systems, changing genres, changing roles, changing groups – as part of our May 2023 RPG Blog Carnival hosting duties. Before venturing into those tiny, switching passages, all different, we talk about Ken’s return to backpacking, discuss new streaming series (Lockwood and Co., Picard, and […]

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A rogue in a cloak, side-lit in reds and orange, emerges from black/gray shadows. From cover of the Blades in the Dark rulebook.

Blades in the Dark Playbooks

Before we played Scum & Villainy, even before starting the Lair of Secrets, we played Blades in the Dark. It’s an urban fantasy role-playing game centered on heists and inspired by the likes of Leverage, the Ocean’s movies, Peaky Blinders, Heat, and Reservoir Dogs. Like its successor games, in Blades in the Dark, player characters are documented using playbooks. The playbooks are like a

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The Rosetta Nebula, a green/blue nebula

S2E17 Scum and Villainy Actual Play, Chapter 6

The “Emerald Heart Job” – the concluding chapter of our Scum and Villainy campaign – finds our heroes going up against the Ghosts and their nefarious plans to use the Emerald Heart artifacts to destroy a gate. This episode is part of our Scum and Villainy actual play campaign. Learn about the characters, view the

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S2E16 Scum and Villainy Actual Play, Chapter 5

During “The Rescue Job” the crew is tasked with liberating a prisoner with vital information about the Ghosts … and their nefarious plans for the artifacts known as “Emerald Hearts”. This episode is part of our Scum and Villainy actual play campaign. Learn about the characters, view the chapter list, and check out Scum and

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A stellar nebula, yellow on a black background of stars

S2E14 Scum and Villainy Actual Play, Chapter 4

During The Cargo Job (Chapter 4 of our Scum and Villainy campaign) the crew is tasked with recovering “living cargo” from a smuggler’s ship. The goal is to snatch the cargo, which belongs to the ethereal scientists/villains known as the Ghosts, and deliver it to a safe location. The crew’s plan involves pretending to be

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