A floating city appears against a cloud-filled blue sky in the cover for the Ringworld graphic novel

S3E2 Savage Ringworld

In Episode 2 of the Lair of Secrets podcast, we brainstorm ideas for a rebooted Savage Ringworld campaign, which mashes up high concept science fiction with the Savage Worlds role-playing game. We also delve back into cyberspace with Cyberpunk 2077 and Cyberpunk RED, say good-bye to Nintendo 3DS (or at least, its eShop), visit the Rivers of London book […]

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Cover art for the new Spelljammer book includes a sword-wielding warrior and his hamster companion riding a dragon through space

S3E1 Spelljammer, GenCon, Cyberpunk RED

As summer ends, the podcast turns it attention to Spelljammer, the fantasy-in-space setting for Dungeons & Dragons. Ken and David look Wizards of the Coast’s new 3-book release and discuss David’s Spelljammer Academy mini-campaign based on WotC’s free Roll20 release. They also talk about the resurgence of all things cyberpunk, including the Cyberpunk RED role-playing

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A view of an immense ring in space, the setting for Savage Ringworld. A star floats in the middle of the ring.

Savage Ringworld – A Science Fiction Savage Worlds Campaign

Savage Ringworld is one of the my gaming group’s rotating online campaigns. Inspired by Larry Niven’s Ringworld series, we set the game on a megastructure similar to Niven’s (right down to the “Fist of God” Mountain that threatens to destabilize the entire construct). The campaign is powered by Savage Worlds Adventure Edition and augmented by the Savage Worlds Science Fiction companion and

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Three Mork Borg books

S2E19 Retro Gaming, Moar Books!, Building Computers, Mork Borg

Welcome to the Lair of Secrets! On this episode, we delve into retro gaming, review David’s expanded reading list, talk about building computers, and explore the weird and dark world of MÖRK BORG. Moar Books! David’s local library has partnered with a larger library network, so he can get access to more ebooks. Lord of

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The starship Enterprise faces off against a Klingon Battle Cruiser. Captain Kirk and Spok appear in the lower right corner. Text promotes and Estes catalog

Geek Archeology: Star Trek Model Rockets Promo Poster

Cleaning out my parents’ basement occasionally yields treasures, like original promotional poster for the Star Trek flying model rockets by Estes. Released in the late 1970s, this poster is a tie-ins to the original television series; Star Trek: The Motion Picture hadn’t been released yet and The Next Generation was still years away. There are

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